Back in June, for a variety of reasons I lost interest in doing a security-related blog. As I think back of what blogs I've found (a) enjoyable; and (2) useful, they are invariably blogs where people do write about what they recently actually did, and ones where people don't write about what other people said. Out of hundreds of RSS feeds, the only ones I actually read regularly met those two requirements - the rest were mostly self-referential navel gazing.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that holds true for what TV shows I watch. The shows I Tivo - American Chopper, This Old House, even The Daily Show, House and American Idol - are essentially shows about people who are really into a particular thing and try to do really quality work. The blogs that I really enjoy have that same flavor.
Back in 2004, I also had another epiphany. At the time, my company gave us a one month sabbatical every 5 years and my goal for my 4 weeks off was to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Its funny how at some time in your life (pretty early on) you make a basic decision to work indoors or outdoors. Seems like most high paying jobs are indoors - I guess professional football players and maybe the alligator hunter guy who got killed by manta rays are the exceptions. Hmm, more are coming to mind: Tiger Woods, Jacques Cousteau, Marlin Perkins, Shamu.
So, anyway - I'm going to renovate the blog to be outdoor oriented, what I did kinda blog. If you're into that kinda thing, have a blast - but in any event, let's be careful out there.